17 Essential Oils for Edema in 2022

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We all know that essential oils are great for a bunch of different ailments! And if not, you’ll learn about the magic power of essential oils through my blog! Did you know there are essential oils for edema specifically?

Edema is a condition that causes swelling in the tissues of the body. It can be caused by a number of things, including injury, infection, or pregnancy. Edema can cause a great deal of discomfort and make it difficult to move around.

Fortunately, there are several essential oils that can help reduce swelling naturally. In this blog post, we will discuss the best essential oils for edema and how to use them to get relief from this condition.

What is Edema?

Edema is a disorder marked by an accumulation of fluids in the body’s tissues. It occurs when the circulatory system fails to remove fluid from the interstitial spaces between cells where it accumulates. As a result, edema can cause swelling in any part of the body.

What Causes Edema?

When using essential oils for edema, it will be important to know what the cause is. There are several factors that can contribute to edema.

Standing or sitting for long periods of time

Standing or sitting for long periods of time will cause water to naturally pull down into your arms, legs, and feet.

Kidney Disease

Edema is a common and potentially serious side effect of kidney disease. When the kidneys are unable to filter properly, fluid accumulates in the tissues, causing swelling in the hands, feet, ankles and legs. In severe cases, edema can lead to difficulty breathing and even heart failure. If you are experiencing edema due to kidney disease, treatment will focus on relieving the excess fluid and preventing it from building up again. Please consult your doctor if you have concerns or want to use essential oils for your edema.

Heart failure

Heart failure can cause edema because the heart is not able to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. This can lead to a build-up of fluid in the tissues, which causes swelling.

Prolonged exposure to the sun

Edema can be caused by sun exposure. The sun’s ultraviolet radiation can cause the body to swell. This is because the radiation can damage the cells in the body, causing them to leak fluid. This can lead to edema, especially in the legs and feet.


Inactivity can cause edema because it can lead to a build-up of fluids in the tissues. When we are inactive, our muscles don’t contract and push the blood and fluids around the body as they usually would. This can cause the fluids to accumulate in certain areas, such as the feet and ankles.

Eating salty foods

Salt is known to cause edema, or swelling, in the body. When too much salt is consumed, the body retains fluid, which can lead to a noticeable increase in size. This swelling is not only uncomfortable but can also be dangerous, as it can impede blood flow and lead to other health complications. To avoid edema, it is important to moderate your salt intake and choose lower-sodium foods whenever possible.


Some medications can contribute to edema, including birth control pills and steroids. If you are taking any medications and notice swelling, be sure to speak with your doctor to see if there is a potential for edema.

There are a few things you can do to help reduce edema if you are taking medications that contribute to it. First, make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. You can also try elevating your legs when possible and wearing compression garments. If you have concerns about edema, be sure to speak with your doctor. They can help you determine if your medications are contributing to your edema and offer suggestions on how to manage it.

17 Best Essential Oils for Edema

When looking at the best essential oils to use for edema, there are two categories that will be most beneficial! You should focus on using anti-inflammatory essential oils and oils that have diuretic properties. Using these oils will help reduce swelling by decreasing fluid retention.


Essential oils with anti-inflammatory properties will help keep the swelling at bay!

  • Bergamot has a refreshing citrusy scent while fighting infection and decreasing inflammation
  • Chamomile will promote a calm, relaxing environment while soothing and softening the skin
  • Eucalyptus is a powerful and versatile oil that can be added to any edema blend to enhance its anti-inflammatory property
  • Geranium is an effective tonic, cleanser, and natural diuretic on the urinary system and liver
  • Helichrysum is best used with oils of similar properties. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiallergenic, making it ideal when swelling occurs
  • Juniper is known for its diuretic properties mostly, but stimulates and enhances blends with other essential oils
  • Myrrh is a cooling essential oil that can help reduce the pain of swelling
  • Melissa will help ease the body and mind and is partial to alleviating swelling from allergies and insect bites!
  • Sweet Orange can be added to skin blend as an effective tonic
  • Peppermint is cooling and refreshing for achy and swollen feet
  • Pine is warming and soothing. If you have a sprain, add pin to your blend to decrease both pain and inflammation
  • Spearmint works similarly to peppermint in decreasing swelling to achy and swollen feet, due to its cooling and refreshing nature
  • Tea Tree is most used for it’s antibacterial properties. It can reduce swelling caused by infections!
  • Thyme is a healing essential oil, It can aid in stimulating the circulatory system to decrease inflammation


Essential oils with diuretic properties will help increase the flow of urine.

  • Birch Bud makes an excellent tonic, cleanser, purifier, and natural diuretic
  • Cedarwood helps stimulate the circulatory system and acts as a strong diuretic
  • Chamomile will promote a calm, relaxing environment while soothing and softening the skin
  • Fennel acts as an effective cleanser of the liver
  • Geranium is an effective tonic, cleanser, and natural diuretic on the urinary system and liver
  • Juniper is known for its diuretic properties mostly, but stimulates and enhances blends with other essential oils

Now let’s look at some recipes you can make at home!

Essential Oils for Edema Recipes

Recipe time! Try these out if you have edema!

Recipe #1: Swollen Feet and Ankle Soak

If you’re feet and ankles are swollen this will help temporary reduce the swelling.


  • small non-reactive bowl
  • 1 teaspoon milk
  • 2 drops fennel essential oil
  • 2 drops pine essential oil
  • 1 drop cypress essential oil
  • 1 drop lemon essential oil


  • Mix milk with essential oils in a non-reactive bowl
  • Add mixture to a basin of warm water. Mix well.
  • Soak feet and ankles for 30 minutes
  • After, massage any oily droplets into your skin
  • Sit with legs elevated for 15 minutes

Recipe #2: Injury Related Edema, Sprains and Strains

Ever gotten injured and noticed a bunch of swelling? Example being, a newly sprained ankle. Try this essential oil compress if that happens!


  • small non-reactive bowl
  • 1 teaspoon milk
  • 2 cups cold water
  • 4 drops lavender essential oil
  • 4 drops chamomile essential oil
  • Cloth


  • Mix the water, milk, and essential oil in the non-reactive bowl
  • Stir well so the oils disperse
  • Soak the cloth in the mixture and wring out excess
  • Place cloth on the swollen area
  • Repeat several times throughout the day!

Recipe #3: Allergic Swelling blend

If you suffer from allergies and notice swelling, try out this blend, specifically for allergies!


  • non-reactive bowl
  • 2 cups cold water
  • 2 drops roman chamomile essential oil
  • 2 drops melissa essential oil
  • 1 drop peppermint essential oil
  • 1 drop vetiver or lavender essential oil


  • Mix the water and essential oil in the non-reactive bowl
  • Stir well so the oils disperse
  • Soak the cloth in the mixture and wring out excess
  • Place cloth on the swollen area
  • Repeat several times throughout the day!

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