11 Best Solar Plexus Essential Oils in 2022

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Lately I’ve been doing a lot of focusing on meditating to open up and balance my chakras, specifically my root and solar plexus chakras. I’ve been feeling “off.” My confidence has been lacking and I have overall low self-esteem. Sometimes I just don’t think very highly of myself. Have you ever felt like this? You may have some blocks in your solar plexus chakra, like me!

Meditating and using solar plexus essential oils have been able to help me release some of these blocks and truly understand where these emotions are coming from.

Today, I’m going to share that with you!

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    What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

    The solar plexus is the powerful energy center located just below the navel, and it is associated with the element of fire. It is responsible for our will power, what “drives” us, personal power,  self-esteem, how worthy we see ourselves, and confidence. This chakra governs how we feel about ourselves overall.

    While the chakra is related to the energy center, physically the solar plexus is “a nerve plexus in the abdomen that is situated behind the stomach and in front of the aorta.”

    This energy center can be used to heal emotional wounds that stem from feeling unworthy or not good enough.

    By using the solar plexus essential oils, we can work on this chakra to feel more confident in ourselves and our abilities which will lead to greater success in our lives.

    Sanskrit: Manipura

    Element: Fire

    Color: Yellow

    Location: Below the abdomen

    What Does a Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra Feel Like?

    When it is balanced, we feel confident and in control of our lives. We have an inner awareness of ourselves and what we need. Along with that comes a sense of empowerment, confidence, and a high self-esteem. We are able to stand up for ourselves and set boundaries when needed. We feel like we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.

    We can open and balance the solar plexus chakra by focusing on our inner power, confidence, and self-esteem. We can do this by practicing meditation and yoga to become more aware of our needs.

    What Does an Imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra Feel Like?

    On the other hand, when the solar plexus is imbalanced or blocked, we may feel insecure, powerlessness, and unsure of ourselves. We may have trouble speaking up for ourselves or setting boundaries. We may also feel like we are constantly struggling and that nothing ever goes our way.

    Some common symptoms of a blocked solar plexus chakra are:

    • Poor self-awareness
    • Low sense of worth
    • Lack of confidence in one’s abilities
    • Inability to assert oneself

    How Can You Open up the Solar Plexus Chakra?

    There are a few things you can do to balance and open your solar plexus.

    1. Limit processed foods. Because the solar plexus is centered around the digestive system, it’s important to eat foods that promote healthy digestion! And look at gut healthy foods.
    2. Limit caffeine, alcohol, and drugs.
    3. Surround yourself with the color yellow.
    4. Meditate with a candle, using the element of fire.
    5. Learn how to express and let go of emotions, whether that be through therapy, creativity, or support groups.
    6. Using specific solar plexus essential oils during meditation!

    The 11 Best Solar Plexus Chakras

    There are several essential oils that can be used to balance the solar plexus.

    Some of the best essential oils for the solar plexus are:

    • Juniper
    • Frankincense
    • Sandalwood
    • Fennel
    • Vetiver
    • Cedarwood
    • Lavender
    • Helichrysum
    • Myrrh
    • Ginger
    • Lemon

    These oils can be diffused, inhaled directly from the bottle, or applied topically.


    Juniper essential oil is derived from the Juniperus communis plant, which is a coniferous evergreen. The essential oil is steam distilled from the needles and twigs of the plant, and has a woodsy, earthy aroma. Juniper is believed to be a powerful detoxifier, and it has been used for centuries in traditional folk medicine.

    Juniper has a strong connection to the solar plexus chakra. Juniper is unique to the solar plexus chakra because of its ability to help the body release toxins and negative emotions. Juniper essential oil can also help to boost self-confidence and increase motivation.

    When used in combination with other essential oils, juniper can be an effective tool for balancing the solar plexus chakra, by positively affecting the nervous system!


    Frankincense essential oil is my go to for everything because of it’s versatility and connection to spirituality. It has a long history of use in religious ceremonies and has been used in aromatherapy for centuries. It’s said to be helpful in meditation and is often used in yoga practices.

    Frankincense essential oil is a pale yellow to brownish liquid that comes from the resin of the Boswellia sacra tree.

    Frankincense essential oil is said to be helpful in opening and balancing the solar plexus. It has a calming, grounding effect that can help ease anxiety and tension. Frankincense is also said to be helpful in boosting self-confidence and self-esteem.

    The unique properties of frankincense make it a powerful ally for the solar plexus. Its ability to ground and calm the mind while simultaneously boosting self-confidence makes it an ideal oil to use for balancing the solar plexus.


    Sandalwood essential oil is a type of wood that comes from the sandalwood tree, which belongs to the Santalaceae family and is indigenous to India. Sandalwood has a rich, sweet scent with hints of vanilla, citrus, and spice. The best quality oil comes from trees in Mysore and Kerala (India). Sandalwood is used in Ayurvedic medicine for its calming and grounding properties.

    Sandalwood oil has a long history of use in religious ceremonies and is still used today in meditation and prayer. The oil is believed to have a soothing effect on the mind and body, promoting relaxation and helping to reduce stress. Sandalwood essential oil is also used in aromatherapy to help balance the emotions and promote feelings of well-being.


    Fennel essential oil is derived from the seeds of a plant that is native to India, but has spread around the world.

    Fennel essential oil is known for helping support the nervous system and aiding digestion. It is one of the strongest essential oils to use for digestive health! It’s said that fennel was used to help bestow strength and courage to warriors before battle.


    Vetiver essential oil comes from the Vetiveria zizanioides plant, which is a grass that is native to India. The oil is extracted from the roots of the plant, and it has a deep, earthy scent. Vetiver oil is known for its calming and grounding properties, and it is often used in aromatherapy to help reduce stress and anxiety.

    The properties of vetiver oil that make it so effective for balancing the solar plexus chakra are its ability to ground and calm the mind, as well as its earthy scent which helps to center and focus the mind.


    Cedarwood essential oil has a deep, woody aroma perfect for grounding and stabilization. It’s derived from the bark and wood of the Eastern red cedar tree, which grows in North America. The trees are harvested by hand to avoid damaging them, then they’re sorted into small pieces before being steam distilled for up to three hours.

    When it comes to the solar plexus, cedarwood can help increase energy to the chakra and support your drive to set and accomplish goals. It can also help with focus by providing clarity to complete daily tasks!


    Lavender is a plant that belongs to the mint family. It has been used for centuries for its calming and soothing properties, particularly in aromatherapy. Lavender essential oil can be derived by steam distillation of the flowers, leaves or both. One of the most important things to know about lavender essential oil is that it’s not just for relaxation – it’s also for balance.

    Lavender is one of those essential oils that can be used for whatever purpose you need it for.


    Helichrysum oil comes from the helichrysum plant, which is a small shrub that grows in the Mediterranean region. The flowers of this plant are steam distilled to produce the essential oil, which is golden yellow in color. Helichrysum oil has a sweet, herbaceous smell and is high in monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diketones.

    This oil is very helpful in opening and balancing the solar plexus chakra. Helichrysum helps to restore confidence and self-esteem, two things that are often lacking when this chakra is out of balance. This oil is also very supportive in times of change or transition, helping to ease the way forward. Helichrysum is an important oil to have on hand for anyone working on balancing their solar plexus chakra.


    Myrrh essential oil is derived from the resin of a small tree that grows in North Africa and the Middle East. The oil is steam distilled from the gum of the tree, which is then dried and ground into a powder. Myrrh has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties, and more recently it has been found to be beneficial for the solar plexus chakra.

    Myrrh oil is grounding and centering, which makes it ideal for balancing the solar plexus chakra. Myrrh helps to ground us and gives us the confidence to be our authentic selves. It also helps to cleanse and purify the body, mind, and spirit.


    Ginger essential oil is a potent oil that has many benefits. It is derived from the ginger root, and has a spicy, woody scent. Ginger oil is used to help with nausea, motion sickness, and vertigo. It is also used to help with digestive problems and to stimulate the appetite. Ginger oil is also helpful in boosting the immune system. Additionally, ginger oil is used to help with colds and flu.

    Ginger oil is the oil of empowerment. It can help us overcome our feelings of powerlessness. Using ginger oil for the solar plexus means gaining feeling of empowerment and purpose.


    Lemon essential oil is a yellow-orange liquid made from cold pressing the peels of lemons. It has a fresh, sweet citrus aroma that provides emotional uplift and happiness. Lemon essential oil can help with digestion, weight management, and is used in many skin care products.

    Lemon can be used to cleanse the lymphatic system and the liver.

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      How To Use Solar Plexus Essential Oils

      There are several different ways to use solar plexus essential oils.

      Blend 1


      • 4 drops frankincense
      • 2 drops vetiver
      • 2 drops lavender
      • 2 drops lemon
      • 10 ml roller bottle (unless you are diffusing)
      • 10 ml coconut oil (unless you are diffusing)


      • If you are diffusing, simply drop the essential oils for every 100 ml of water and diffuse during meditation or anytime you want to balance the root chakra!
      • To apply topically, add essential oils to the roller bottle first, followed by the coconut oil. Shake well. Apply to lower abdomen during meditation. You can also apply to the arches of your feet.

      Blend 2


      • 4 drops Lemon
      • 2 drops juniper
      • 2 drops patchouli
      • 2 drops frankincense
      • 1 drop ginger
      • 10 ml roller bottle (unless you are diffusing)
      • 10 ml coconut oil (unless you are diffusing)


      • If you are diffusing, simply drop the essential oils for every 100 ml of water and diffuse during meditation or anytime you want to balance the root chakra!
      • To apply topically, add essential oils to the roller bottle first, followed by the coconut oil. Shake well. Apply to lower abdomen during meditation. You can also apply to the arches of your feet.

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