11 Crown Chakra Essential Oils for Enlightenment

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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Philosopher Pierre Teilhard De chardin

When you think of the ultimate human-spiritual experience, what comes to mind? For some people, it might be a religious or spiritual pilgrimage to a sacred site. For others, it could be connecting with nature in a profound way. Or perhaps it’s simply spending time in quiet contemplation and meditation.

But what if there was another way to achieve this state of highest bliss? What if the answer lay within our own crown chakra?

Opening your crown chakra can help you feel more connected to the universe and all of its majestic glory. There are many ways to open your crown chakra, but one of the most effective methods is using crown chakra essential oils.

So, if you’re looking to elevate your spiritual experiences, give these crown chakra essential oils a try!

What is the Crown Chakra?

The crown chakra is the seventh of seven energy centers in the human body, and it is located at the top of the head. The crown chakra is associated with the color violet or white and the element of cosmos, or a pure white light and source of creation.

This chakra is responsible for spiritual connections, enlightenment, and connecting with the divine. When this chakra is open and balanced, we experience a sense of peace and connectedness with the universe. We may also feel more intuitive and in tune with our higher selves. This is the chakra that is the liaison between the human and spiritual.

This chakra allows us to go into a deeper awareness, not only within ourselves but everything around us.

Sanskrit: Sahasrara

Element: Cosmos

Color: Violet or White

Location: Top of head

What Does a Balanced Crown Chakra Feel Like?

An open crown chakra can be felt as a sense of expansiveness and connection to the divine. It brings feelings of bliss, joy, and happiness. You may feel like you can connect with other people more easily, and that you have a greater understanding of the universe and your place in it. You may also find that you are more intuitive and have a stronger connection to your intuition. The crown chakra is the chakra of enlightenment, so an open crown chakra can bring a sense of understanding and peace.

What Does a Closed Crown Chakra Feel Like?

A closed crown chakra can be felt as a sense of constriction and disconnection from the divine. It brings feelings of heaviness, sadness, and anxiety. You may feel like you can’t connect with other people easily, and that you have a limited understanding of the universe and your place in it. You may also find that you are less intuitive and have a weaker connection to your intuition or that “gut feeling.” The crown chakra is the chakra of enlightenment, so a closed crown chakra can bring a sense of ignorance and frustration.

Here are some other signs of a closed or imbalanced crown chakra:

  • Overly obsessive about material things
  • Feeling isolated
  • Big ego
  • Lack of caring
  • Uninterested in doing things that make you happy
  • Lack of clarity in life
  • Mental fog
  • Lack of compassion with others

Why is it Important to Keep the Crown Chakra Balanced?

When the crown chakra is out of balance, we may feel disconnected from our spirituality, or like something is missing in our lives. We may also experience headaches, migraines, or problems with our vision in the physical realm.

Furthermore, an open and balanced crown chakra is essential for energy flow to the lower chakras.

Balancing the crown chakra can be done through meditation, yoga, or by simply focusing on our spiritual connection. Chakras are energy centers found in our bodies that correspond to different parts of our physical and mental well-being.

What are some ways to balance the crown chakra?

There are many ways to open up the crown chakra. Some people do it through meditation, others through prayer or chanting, and still others through yoga or other forms of exercise.

Here are some ways to make sure you have a balanced crown chakra:

  • Use crown chakra essential oils
  • Meditation. Dr. Joe Dispenza has a great Blessings of the Energy Centers meditation that allows you to keep the energy flowing through all 7 chakras.
  • Crown Chakra meditation. Here is a useful guide for a crown chakra meditation.
  • Crown Chakra affirmations. While meditating, repeating affirmations like “I am my highest, most authentic self,” and “I trust my intuition and am open to receiving messages from the Divine,” are great ways to affirm to yourself that you can have an open crown chakra!

How can I make my crown chakra stronger?

There are many other ways to strengthen your crown chakra!

  • Visualization. Visualizing a bright, white light at the top of your head can help you tap into the wisdom and divine energy of this chakra.
  • Being open to change your worldviews or having an open mind.
  • Listening more to your intuition instead of “what makes logical sense.”
  • Learning how to let go of criticism and negative words from others.
  • Practicing yoga!
  • Use your imagination for creation!

11 Best Crown Chakra Essential Oils

Download your FREE Crown Chakra Essential Oils Printable

    Aromatherapy and using crown chakra essential oils is the quickest way to work with your crown chakra. It’s simple, powerful and effective! And the results are almost immediate.

    Here are the 11 Best Crown Chakra essential oils you can start using today!


    Frankincense is an essential oil that has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties. It is derived from the resin of the Boswellia tree, and is known for its ability to open the crown chakra and promote spiritual awareness. Frankincense oil is also prized for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and can be used to treat a variety of conditions including respiratory problems, skin conditions, and anxiety.

    When used in aromatherapy, frankincense oil can help clear the mind and promote feelings of calm and peacefulness. If you are looking for tranquility in your life, frankincense will get you there. It is a wonderful essential oil to use to support spiritual growth and enlightenment, as it helps open the crown chakra and connect us with our higher selves.


    Benzoin essential oil is a type of resin that comes from trees in the Styrax family. The essential oil has a sweet, spicy vanilla-like scent, and is often used in aromatherapy to open the crown chakra.

    By using benzoin essential oil, we can help to open and clear this energy center, promoting feelings of inner peace and connection with the universe. The soothing scent of benzoin promotes calmness and tranquility, while also invigorating our senses and clearing away mental distractions. Additionally, when absorbed through the skin or inhaled, benzoin can help to ease tension headaches and migraine pain.

    It’s especially helpful when we are experiencing emotional heaviness by helping sedate the mind. It’s very calming, comforting, and keeps us centered.


    Jasmine essential oil is a sweet-smelling oil that is extracted from the jasmine flower. It has a host of beneficial properties, including the ability to open the crown chakra. If you suspect your crown chakra is overactive, it can help soothe it.

    Specifically, jasmine oil can help to:

    • promote feelings of joy and happiness
    • ease anxiety and stress
    • uplift the mood
    • encourage spiritual connection and intuition
    • boost self-confidence

    When used in aromatherapy, jasmine oil can help to create a sense of wellbeing, peace and tranquility. It is also said to be an aphrodisiac, so it can be used to increase passion and intimacy. If you are looking to open your crown chakra, jasmine essential oil is a wonderful choice.


    Myrrh is another essential oil that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It is derived from a resin that is found in small shrubs and trees, and it has a rich, earthy scent.

    Myrrh is an incredibly versatile oil that has been used for thousands of years for its healing properties. Whether you want to use it to connect with your intuition and higher wisdom, relieve stress and anxiety, or simply enjoy its earthy aroma, this powerful essential oil has something to offer everyone.

    It’s especially helpful in stimulating an underactive crown chakra to help give you clarity and purpose.


    Sandalwood essential oil is a natural oil that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It is distilled from the wood of the sandalwood tree, and has a sweet, woodsy scent. Sandalwood essential oil is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and to promote spiritual awareness. It is also said to be effective in treating respiratory problems and skin conditions.

    Sandalwood essential oil is said to be particularly beneficial for balancing the crown chakra. It helps quieten loud mental chatter and help you gain clarity in what you seek. It lowers the strength of the ego and allows us to transcend.

    In addition, its antiseptic properties can help to clear away any blockages that might be preventing us from achieving spiritual enlightenment.


    Spruce essential oil is a type of essential oil that is derived from the spruce tree. It has a woodsy, earthy smell and is often used in aromatherapy to open the crown chakra.

    Spruce essential oil contains chemicals that have a strong effect on the nervous system, helping to calm and relax the mind. This can help open up your crown chakra and allow you to connect with your spiritual side. Additionally, spruce essential oil is high in antioxidants, which can nourish the body and protect it from damage. Using spruce essential oil regularly can help keep your crown chakra balanced and open, allowing you to access higher levels of consciousness and live in harmony with the world around you.


    Lavender oil is a type of essential oil that has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties. It is made from the lavender plant, and has a sweet, floral aroma.

    Lavender oil is said to be beneficial for all chakras, but it is especially helpful in opening the crown chakra. It can help you to connect with your higher self, and to experience greater spiritual awareness. Lavender oil can also help to relieve stress and promote relaxation.


    Rose oil is an essential oil that is extracted from the petals of roses. It has a sweet, floral scent and is used in aromatherapy.

    The essential oil of rose is said to be uplifting and balancing, and it is often used to open the crown chakra.

    Rose oil can be used to balance the crown chakra and promote feelings of peace, love, and joy. It is also said to help with self-esteem and confidence.


    Ravensara essential oil is a powerful essential oil that has many benefits. It is steam distilled from the leaves of the Ravensara aromatica tree, which is native to Madagascar. Ravensara oil has a spicy, woody aroma that is said to be uplifting and refreshing.

    Ravensara oil is believed to help open the crown chakra by encouraging deep breathing and relaxation. When we are calm and centered, our crown chakra can blossom and bring us greater connection to divine wisdom and guidance.

    Additionally, Ravensara oil has energizing and purifying effects that support mental clarity, allowing us to more easily tune in to our spiritual intuition. By using Ravensara essential oil, we can support the opening of our crown chakra, enabling us to develop a deeper sense of inner peace and spiritual awareness.


    Basil essential oil is made from the leaves of the basil plant, which has been used for centuries in many different traditions and cultures. The essential oil is extracted through steam distillation, and it contains powerful compounds that can help to support optimal health and well-being.

    Basil essential oil is a powerful essential oil that has many benefits. It is known to help open the crown chakra, which can allow for greater spiritual connection and understanding. Basil essential oil can also help to clear the mind and promote mental clarity.

    Additionally, this essential oil can help to boost energy levels and promote feelings of well-being. If you are looking to open your crown chakra and improve your overall well-being, then basil essential oil may be a great option for you.


    Rosemary is an essential oil that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. The essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the rosemary plant, and it has a strong, piney smell.

    Rosemary oil is believed to have a number of health benefits, including easing pain, reducing inflammation, and improving cognitive function. It is also thought to be helpful in opening the crown chakra, which can promote spiritual growth and enlightenment.

    How to Use Crown Chakra Essential Oils

    Download your FREE Crown Chakra Essential Oils Printable

      Blend 1


      • 4 drops frankincense
      • 2 drops sandalwood
      • 2 drops rosemary
      • 10 ml roller bottle (optional)
      • jojoba oil (optional)


      • If diffusing, add essential oils to 100 ml of water and diffuse during yoga, meditation, or anytime you need a crown chakra balance.
      • If applying topically, add essential oils to roller bottle, followed by jojoba oil. Rub against palms to mix. Apply to center of forehead.

      Blend 2


      • 2 drops lavender
      • 2 drops spruce
      • 1 drop rose
      • 1 drop jasmine


      • If diffusing, add essential oils to 100 ml of water and diffuse during yoga, meditation, or anytime you need a crown chakra balance.
      • If applying topically, add essential oils to roller bottle, followed by jojoba oil. Rub against palms to mix. Apply to center of forehead.

      Blend 3


      • 2 drops lavender
      • 2 drops cedarwood
      • 2 drops frankincense
      • 1 drop spruce
      • 1 drop rosemary


      If diffusing, add essential oils to 100 ml of water and diffuse during yoga, meditation, or anytime you need a crown chakra balance.
      If applying topically, add essential oils to roller bottle, followed by jojoba oil. Rub against palms to mix. Apply to center of forehead.

      Blend 4


      • 3 drops lavender
      • 3 drops frankincense
      • 2 drops sandalwood
      • 2 drops rose


      • If diffusing, add essential oils to 100 ml of water and diffuse during yoga, meditation, or anytime you need a crown chakra balance.
      • If applying topically, add essential oils to roller bottle, followed by jojoba oil. Rub against palms to mix. Apply to center of forehead.

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