6 Best Essential Oils for Earaches in 2022

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Are you one of the many people who suffer from earaches? If so, you’re not alone. Ear pain is a common problem, affecting both adults and children. But what exactly is an earache? And what can you do to ease the pain?

Essential oils may be the answer you’re looking for. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at earaches, what causes them, and how essential oils can help relieve your pain.

Scroll to read on and learn more!

What is an Earache?

An earache is a common ailment and is associated with a pain in one or both ears. Most often, the pain isn’t due to an actual problem of the ears. If it’s an ear infection, the pain will begin inside the ear. Discomfort, redness or a throbbing on the outside of the ear indicate another issue.

If you have an earache, you’ll most likely feel a dull or sharp pain and a burning sensation.

Symptoms of an earache include pain when chewing on one side of your mouth, ringing in the ears, nausea and dizziness.

Different Causes of Earaches

There are many causes of earaches! Below are the most common.

1. Ear Infection

An ear infection occurs in the middle or outer ear.

  1. Acute Otitis Media is a bacterial or viral infection in the middle ear. The most common bacteria causing it are Steptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae
  2. Otitis Media with Effusion will occur from fluid build up without signs of infection
  3. Swimmer’s Ear is an infection in the outer ear canal, often caused by bacteria or fungi and is the result of water remaining in the ear

2. Excess Wax Build Up

Excessive wax can cause an earache by plugging the ear canal and trapping moisture. This typically caused when people try to clean their ear with Q-tips. The wax gets pushed down deeper into the ear canal. In the case of excess earwax, it’s best to discuss with your doctor about removing it.

3. Pressure Changes

Ever had to “pop your ears” on a plane or driving up a mountain? Rapid changes in air pressure can sometimes cause an earache. This can happen when you fly on a plane or go scuba diving. You can often alleviate this pain and discomfort by yawning and swallowing.

4. Seasonal Allergies

Earaches are not that common of a symptom with allergies, but it’s possible to experience one. If you have sinus congestion your middle ear can become blocked due to inflammation of the Eustachian tube. This is the tube that connects the middle ear with your nasal cavity. If you’re allergic to pollen, you’re more likely to experience an earache with seasonal allergies.

*If you have any questions or concerns at all, or if it feels more than just a common earache, I would recommend seeking out medical attention or speaking with your doctor. *

Why Essential Oils for Earaches

Essential oils are a natural and effective way to provide your body with medicinal help. They are derived from various plants, such as lavender or peppermint, for example.

Each oil has its own unique chemical makeup that provides different therapeutic benefits depending on what you’re dealing with. Many essential oils have antibacterial and antiviral properties, so these are naturally better at fighting infection, whether it be from a virus or bacteria.

Some can relieve joint pain because of their analgesic properties, while others might have strong anti-inflammatory properties making them perfect for relieving muscle aches too!

Not only do these little bottles smell great but they also serve their original purpose, keeping us healthy without all the sides effects of medication!

What are the Best Essential Oils for Earaches

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree essential oil is so versatile and like others, has been around for thousands of years. It has many properties that make it an ideal essential oil for earaches.

  • Antiseptic– Can help with wound healing
  • Anti-inflammatory– Decrease inflammation occurring on the outside of the ear and a natural pain reliever
  • Antiviral, Antibacterial, and Antifungal properties allow tea tree oil to help fight the infection associated with earaches

Diluted, this oil could be dropped in the ear canal.

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is one of the most overlooked essential oils, but it’s antibacterial component can be very effective at relieving pain from earaches! It also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which make it soothing to the inflamed tissues, reducing muffled hearing symptoms like what you might experience with a blocked canal or infection in your ears!

Studies show how mustard oils benefits have been highly valued by Ayurveda traditional medicine practitioners for centuries.

Diluted, this oil could be dropped in the ear canal.

Basil Oil

Basil essential oil has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antihypertensive properties that can help fight off infections in the body. Two of the most important compounds for infection found in basil are methyl eugenol and methyl chavicol.

A 2005 animal study showed the effectiveness of basil for ear infections.

Diluted, this oil could be dropped in the ear canal.

Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano is a popular essential oil for good reason. It has numerous medicinal properties, to include aiding in earaches!

  • Antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties help fight against infections
  • Help relieve pain associated with earaches
  • Promotes blood circulation

Oregano oil may interact with blood thinner medication. It should also never be directly used in the ear canal.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint has a natural cooling sensation that can instantly provide relief from pain and control inflammation. It is one of the more potent essential oils, so it’s important to mix with a carrier oil first!

Do not drop this oil directly in your ear. This makes for a great massage oil around the ear.

Thyme Oil

While thyme essential oil may not be as great at fighting infections as others, it does carry some powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. So, if this is the only essential oil you can get your hands on, it can help a great deal with the pain and discomfort you’re feeling.

Do not drop this oil directly in your ear. This makes for a great massage oil around the ear.

How to Use Essential Oils for Earaches

You can use essential oils for earaches in a few ways!

In the ear

Essential oils are safe to use directly in the ear, but there are some precautions you should take first!

Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil, fractionated coconut oil, or extra virgin olive oil. Essential oils undiluted are extremely potent and can cause burning or irritation on your skin. For every teaspoon of carrier oil used, you can add 1-2 drops of essential oil.

Note: You should always do a small skin patch test before using essential oils in the ear canal, to see how your skin will react. Dilute the essential oil of your choice and spread it on a quarter size area of skin on your inner arm. If, after 24 hours, you haven’t experienced any irritation or inflammation, it’s generally safe to use.

Here are two ways you can use essential oils for earaches in the ear!

  1. Dilute the essential oil in carrier oil per the instructions above. Saturate a cotton ball in the mixtures and pat it lightly on the affected area of the ear. The oils will seep into your ear and soak into the skin.
  2. Dilute the essential oil in carrier oil per the instructions above. Warm up the mixture slightly. Using a clean dropper, release a drop or two directly into the ear canal.

Use these precautions when using this method.

  • Always use the skin test before applying essential oils into the ear canal.
  • If your eardrum has actually ruptured, do not use this method.
  • Do not use more than 2 drops at a time, as your ear can become clogged
  • If you have any concerns at all, consult your doctor
  • Do not use Oregano essential oil inside the ear canal

Massage onto the Ear

If you decide to use peppermint, thyme, or oregano essential oils, you’ll want to massage these onto the outside of the ear rather than drop them inside the ear canal.

Simply dilute them with a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or extra virgin olive oil. For every teaspoon of carrier oil, use 1 to 2 drops essential oil. You can even heat it up for some extra comfort. Just don’t make it too hot. Take a cotton ball and soak it in the mixture and gently massage it on the outside of the ear.

Essential Oils for Earaches Recipes

Here is a simple recipe you can make at home for massaging the outer ear!



  • Slightly warm up the carrier oil, then mix in essential oil blend
  • Saturate a cotton ball in the mixture
  • Gently massage outer part of the affected area of ear, to include the neck and side of face

Next time you have an earache, give these essential oils a try and let me know how it goes!

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