7 Best Essential Oils for Hypothyroidism in 2022

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It’s estimated that 5 out of every 100 Americans suffer from hypothyroidism. If you are one of these people, you probably know how frustrating it can be! After I had thyroid cancer, I developed hypothyroidism from having half my thyroid removed. Now, like most of you probably, I have to take a Synthroid to maintain my thyroid levels.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where your thyroid gland essentially does not produce enough thyroid hormone. This can cause symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. There are many things you can do to help support the thyroid, such as using essential oils.

In this blog post, we will discuss the best essential oils for hypothyroidism and how to use them. We will also provide some tips on how to reduce the risk of developing hypothyroidism. So, if you are looking for ways to improve your thyroid health, keep reading!

What is the Thyroid?

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of your neck. It is responsible for producing thyroid hormones, which play a major role in regulating your metabolism and energy levels. When the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, it can cause a variety of health problems. One of the most common thyroid disorders is hypothyroidism, which occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone.

Thyroid Hormones

The thyroid hormones are a group of essential hormones that play a major role in regulating the body’s metabolism.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is produced in the pituitary gland and it regulates the amount of thyroid hormone that the thyroid produces. Thyroid hormone is responsible for regulating metabolism, heart rate, and body temperature. It also helps to control growth and development.

Thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) are essential for regulating metabolism. The pituitary gland secretes thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce T3 and T4. These hormones play a role in almost every cell in the body, affecting everything from heart rate to mood.

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough T3 and T4.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Here are the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism!

  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Constipation
  • Depression and other mood disorders
  • Eyebrow loss (outer third)
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Insomnia
  • Intolerance to cold
  • Lethargy
  • Low sex drive
  • Poor memory and concentration
  • Weight gain and other unexpected weight changes

Addressing Your Hypothyroidism with Essential Oils

In order to know which essential oils for hypothyroidism to use, it’s a good idea to know the underlying cause of your hypothyroidism.

Root Causes of Hypothyroidism

Here are a few common causes!

Impaired brain balance

The human body is an amazing system that works together to keep us healthy and happy. Think of the body like a complex machine with the brain as the powerhouse. There are two important glands in the area of the brain that need to be functioning correctly! The hypothalamus and pituitary glands are essential in producing hormones, as well as stimulating other organs to produce hormones. If these glands or the brain is impaired, it can affect other areas of the body.

The T3 and T4 hormones are secreted through an endocrine system loop that involves both the pituitary and hypothalamus glands.

If these glands are damaged physically, don’t get the right nutrients from diet, or suffer from inflammation, they won’t release the thyroid hormones or stimulate other organs to produce hormones.

Block in the Body’s Detoxification Pathways

Our bodies are designed to eliminate the everyday toxins we are exposed too. However, the issues lies in the fact that we have become so over burdened with toxins, many of us have sluggish elimination pathways.

How are we exposed to toxins?
  • Chemicals, additives, pesticides in the foods we eat
  • Eating a diet high in processed foods and sugar
  • Environmental pollution
  • Metals in tap water we drink

If we continually expose ourselves to these toxins without supporting the detoxification pathways, they will continue circulating in the bloodstream.

When the liver becomes overwhelmed, it begins having issues converting T4 into T3, which can affect body temperature, metabolism, heart, and thyroid hormone production, leading to hypothyroidism.


Thyroid hormone production will decrease during periods of stress.

The adrenal glands (small glands on top of the kidneys) are a part of your body’s response to stress. They regulate how much adrenaline and cortisol get released during times of stress. They will shut down unnecessary systems of the body, like digestion, immunity, and hormone production.

For acute stress, this is normal. They body will go back to normal.

The problem is, many of us are chronically stressed! Overtime, the body gets tired! And if hormone production continuously takes a hit, that will contribute to hypothyroidism.

Inflamed Gut

All Disease Begins in the Gut


The health of your gut and diversity of gut flora has a direct impact on overall health.

Hypothyroid symptoms can be caused by an imbalance in good and bad gut flora. This is because some types of bacteria contain the enzyme intestinal sulfatase, which helps convert inactive T4 into active form called tri-iodothyronine (T3). The conversion rates are significantly reduced when there’s not enough beneficial organisms present to do their job effectively – leading you have hypothyroidism!

Top 7 Essential Oils for Hypothyroidism

Here are the top 7 essential oils for hypothyroidism!


Cedarwood oil is derived from the wood of the cedar tree. It has a sweet, woody aroma and is used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and calmness. Cedarwood oil is also known for its therapeutic properties, which include aiding in respiratory problems, easing stress and anxiety, and soothing skin conditions.

You can use cedarwood essential oil to potentially help protect the areas of the brain responsible for thyroid hormone production. This is due to the high number of sesquiterpenes!

Cedarwood can also be used to treat dry skin, a common symptom of hypothyroidism.


Clove essential oil is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of medical conditions. It is derived from the clove plant, which is native to Indonesia. The active ingredient in clove oil is eugenol, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Clove oil can be used to treat a number of symptoms associated with hypothyroidism, including pain and inflammation.

Clove also has warming properties that can help those who are running colder due to hypothyroidism. Because of the high level of antioxidants, clove is great at supporting the immune system and supporting your liver in detoxing!


Frankincense is an essential oil that comes from the resin of the Boswellia carteri tree. It has a woodsy smell and is often used in aromatherapy.

Frankincense is one of those versatile oils that has many uses! Like Cedarwood, it can be used to moisturize dry skin. But the high antioxidant content make it an extremely powerful supporter of the detoxification pathways and cleaning up damaging free radicals.


Geranium oil is extracted from the leaves of the geranium plant, which is a flowering perennial. The oil has a sweet, floral scent and is used in aromatherapy to treat a variety of conditions. It is also said to be helpful in restoring balance to the body and mind.

Geranium oil is thought to be beneficial for treating hypothyroidism due to its ability to decrease overall inflammation.


Lavender oil is a type of essential oil that is extracted from the lavender plant. Lavender oil has a sweet, floral scent and is often used in aromatherapy. The properties of lavender oil can help to relieve stress and tension, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality. Additionally, lavender oil may help to relieve some symptoms of hypothyroidism such as fatigue and depression.

Keeping stress at a minimum and finding ways to help decrease stress levels are key at managing hypothyroidism! And lavender is a know way to help this!


Ledum is an essential oil that comes from the Ledum palustre plant, which is a small shrub that grows in cold climates. The leaves and branches of the plant are used to make essential oil, which is known for its therapeutic properties.

Ledum essential oil has a number of potential health benefits, including the ability to improve thyroid function. The oil is thought to boost thyroid activity by stimulating the production of thyroid hormones. Additionally, ledum essential oil is believed to help with the regulation of metabolism, which can be beneficial for those with hypothyroidism.

In addition to its effects on thyroid function, ledum essential oil is also said to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These properties make ledum essential oil an effective natural treatment for various conditions, such as infections, skin conditions, and joint pain.


Lemongrass essential oil is a popular essential oil that has many benefits. It is made from the leaves of the lemongrass plant, which is a grass that is native to Asia. The lemongrass plant grows up to 4 feet tall and has long, slender leaves. The essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the plant and has a fresh, citrusy scent.

Lemongrass essential oil is known for its ability to help with various health conditions, including hypothyroidism. Lemongrass essential oil can help to regulate the thyroid gland and improve its function. The oil can also help to reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. Lemongrass essential oil is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the inflammation of the thyroid gland.

How to Use Essential Oils for Hypothyroidism

You can make your own thyroid support roller blend and apply to your neck before bed and upon waking.

Thyroid Support Roller Bottle Blend


  • 12 drops geranium essential oil
  • 4 drops clove essential oil
  • 2 drops lemongrass essential oil
  • 2 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 10 ml carrier oil (I love coconut!)
  • 10 ml roller bottle

Do you have a favorite essential oil or routine that helps with your thyroid? Share in the comments!

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